About PIR and ACAP requests for info

The Texas Public Information Act (TPIA) allows the public to request from a governmental body records or information already in existence. The Public Information Act is explicit in its language that a governmental body should not prepare new information, prepare answers to questions, or do legal research.

As such, the City of Austin’s public information management system, GovQA [link: https://cty-austintx.govqa.us/], is not a platform used to ask questions or submit documents to employees for review.

If you have any questions regarding existing requests, please submit such questions to PIRCustomerService@austintexas.gov. For other concerns we suggest using the online email portal for the Automated Citizen Assistance Program. This portal will forward your concerns and questions to the City Manager's Office.


You can find the form using this link:

Automated Citizens Assistant Program (ACAP) https://www.austintexas.gov/email/acap

or you can call the City Manager's Office at (512) 974-2200. 

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