Sunday, January 21, 2024

A Proposal: Start from scratch and design a green parking lot on the Butler Landfill Bone Yard

The Austin Nature and Science Center directs visitors to park under the MoPac Bridge, a parking lot on TxDoT property that yields about 150 parking places. 

However, this lot is sometimes at over-capacity during ANSC field trips:

Typically, parents who have younger children arrive and park their vehicles to be able to join their school-age children on the school's field trip to the Nature Center:

These are vulnerable visitors to Zilker Park. Could the City provide close-by parking on an environmentally-friendly surface?

If and when the MoPac is under construction ( the MoPac Lot may be off-limits for visitor parking.

I propose that the City "start from scratch" to design and build a green surface parking lot over the current Zilker Park Bone Field. The parking capacity might yield 350-500 parking places. It would also serve visitors arrive at the back entrance of the Zilker Botanical Gardens.

Would the ANSC and ZPG approve of this parking lot location?
Please ask them.

A message to the Parks Board meeting 10-28-2024

As you may know, I and others have been conducting a citizens review of   the contract for the Trail of Lights Foundation with the City.   W...